With Vaigustando.it all your purchases benefit from eTrusted Customer Protection.
This shop is certified. What does it mean?
When you buy online, you do not have personal contact with the seller and you do not have the opportunity to touch the product or try it on. So that you can order without worries, the Trusted Shops quality seal shows you that an online shop is worthy of your trust and offers excellent service.
In the quality criteria you can find all the requirements to obtain the quality seal.
The Trusted Shops guarantee
Shop online safely in stores with the Trusted Shops quality seal, thanks also to our money-back guarantee. All it takes is one click immediately after placing an order to insure your current and future purchases for free in stores with the Trusted Shops quality seal up to an amount of 2,500 €. The coverage period for each purchase is 30 days.
They apply the guarantee and participation conditions.
Vaigustando's performance in the last 12 months