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Pat del Colmel, il frutto della passione di una famiglia che vinifica grandi uve.

Pat del Colmel, the fruit of the passion of a family that makes great grapes into wine.

An impervious road, with a thousand holes and several curves, leads to the Colmello farm, Pat del Colmel winery, just above the wonderful town of Asolo, in the locality of Castelcucco (Province of Treviso). The 17 hectares of vineyards of the Colmello farm extend across the hills of the municipalities of Castelcucco, Asolo, Monfumo and Maser in the Asolo Prosecco DOCG Superiore area. The area is protected by the Asolo Prosecco DOCG Superiore and Rosso Asolo Montello DOC brands.


The vineyards open up like an amphitheater dominating the hills of this wonderful corner of the Venetian Pedemontana. Here the particular composition of the soil, the mild climate and the enviable exposure to the sun have always been the best conditions for optimal vine cultivation and the production of high quality wines.


The harvest is entirely manual and we try to enter the plants as little as possible. Pat del Colmel was one of the first companies in the area to obtain SQNPI certification.


An institution more than a farm. Gabriella and Lino, with their son Matteo, fifth generation, can therefore be considered living monuments, witnesses of good viticulture not conditioned by fashions, their wines have the greatest value in their personality.

The Asolo area was once rich in vineyards mainly of Glera, Bianchetta, Verdiso, Marzemina Bianca and the rarer Recantina. For the Forner family nicknamed Pat, winemaking began in 1875, with the spouses Pina and Pietro Forner, the love for the land and its fruits has been handed down from generation to generation until today with Gabriella, Lino and their son Matteo .
Currently the father, with the help of his son, runs the company with great passion. In addition to the production of Prosecco Asolo Superiore D.O.C.G., the Pat del Colmel winery cultivates native vines carefully preserved over time and rediscovered among the old rows such as: Bianchetta, Rabbiosa, Marzemina bianca and Recantina. An endangered heritage brought back to life in a new dedicated space in the new underground cellar, conceived with respect for tradition but innovative in the choice of materials and small dimensions. Pat del Colmel's distinctive trait is that he has always believed in the combination of valorisation of native vines and modern winemaking techniques that safeguard and enhance their high quality.

The Recantina in particular is an old vine still famous in the times of the Serenissima not only for its organoleptic qualities, but also for its long conservation during long transfer journeys on ships. A wine that the Forner family has rediscovered, understood and registered in the National Register of vine varieties and was the first to offer on the market since 2008. Still, with a fruity ruby ​​red color and an intense intensity, which needs long aging (from 3 to 4 years) in oak barrels, and six months of aging in the bottle. A production that is around 10 thousand bottles per year, which are added to the production of the other wines of the Colmello Company, from Merlot to Cabernet, from Prosecco to native whites, for a total annual production of approximately 100,000 bottles.


Furthermore, the Veneto Region has included the "Recantina" in the initiative for the rediscovery of old vines, after having tested the DNA of the vine, cultivated for at least 400 years in the Treviso area, which disappeared at the beginning of the twentieth century and was recovered after a long work of research. The rabbiosa refermented in the bottle of another grape unknown to most people, a variety that has been practically extinct since the end of the 19th century. Lino's project to reevaluate this grape was born when an anti-fraud officer, during a visit to the company, discovered a bottle that bore the name of this grape, which was not in compliance with the law. After a check by the employee and without any result of the presence of Rabbiosa on the internet, he not only did not issue any report, but advised to register the name, which Lino did the following day.


From the field, field and a half of Pat del Colmel around 3000 bottles are produced per year plus another thousand magnums.


A fascinating wine with an intense yellow color and aromas of dried apricot, cooked apple, apple strudel, a light grapefruit. In the mouth it is enveloping, well balanced, mineral and savory with a good persistence and a light tannin on the finish: a light caramel aftertaste is perceived and the typical acidity of this grape is smoothed out thanks to the correct maturation of the grapes.


Sipping the glass of wine we talk about the vineyard, in which the yields are around 60/80 quintals per hectare and integrated pest control is applied without chemical weeding and fertilization.


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